Monday, July 20, 2009

I have never known anyone who gives as much meaning to the expression "I am my own worst enemy" than myself. My dad even pointed out the other day that I have clearly defined expectations of people and situations and when they are violated, I react very strongly. I mean, in my own defense, I hold myself to these very same expectations (and they are very high). But why can't I realize that even I struggle to please myself. How can I expect other people to live up to the same expectations that I constantly struggle to reach myself? And I will say, I react just as strongly when I fail to meet my own standards as I do when others violate my expectations. It's just different because it's all on the inside. It's not some harsh comment or a week of complaining, it's an ongoing inner struggle. I'm always thinking of the reasons why something isn't good enough, and never appreciating it for what it is; I never, EVER see the cup half full. I look at my bank account and calculate how much money I've spent, not how much I've saved. I dwell the grades that could have been better instead of being proud of the As. I think this is the reason for so much of my unhappiness. I don't mean to say that I am unhappy, but I waste far too much time worrying and not nearly enough doing what I want to do and loving the time I have to do it. It's like I'm happy for five minutes, and then once that's over I'm back to trying to predict the future and direct reality towards the most desirable outcome (this is a fruitless endeavor). It is what it is. I'm never going to be able to control the outcome of a situation. I don't have that power. So instead of focusing so much on what I WANT to happen, I need to live while I can, do whatever I want to do, and deal with the outcome when it happens. Most of the time when my expectations are violated, it's not even a big deal. Hell, sometimes it even works out to my advantage, but I am so busy focusing on my lack of control and disappointment that I don't see it until it's too late. I'm always fucking replaying the past or worrying about the future. I'm done living like that. It has never brought about any positive outcome, and it never will.

I'm never going to learn to love and live my life until I bring myself back into the present.