Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I would sell my soul if it meant I could move away from home, preferably to Brooklyn, have an apartment with my best friends, be in an affordable graduate Psych program, have all my student loans disappear, and be making a reasonable income.

Move to Brooklyn? - Can't afford it. Have no reason to live there.
An affordable Psych program? - Only at SUNY schools aka Stony Brook, which would mean I'd still live at home (and affordable just means it will do the least damage to my already massive student debt).
....Psych programs in Brooklyn? - Not a clinical program in the city for anything less that 30,000 a year (x5 years for a PhD program is enough to make me throw up).
Disappearing student loans? - Not until I'm done paying them off in what will probably be 2050.

Don't mistake this for pessimism. This is all fact. I'm doing pretty well at keeping my mind in the PRESENT and living life despite how often all of this leaks into my consciousness though. You never know what the future holds! All I can do is focus on what I want and make decisions to move me towards it.