Monday, November 10, 2008

apparently life is a battle. every little thing is a challenge. some are more difficult than others. some leave deeper scars than others, but either way, every morning, every day, every night, every week, every month, and every year we are challenged. we're all still here, though, aren't we? we all fear and fight death to stay here, on earth, facing every new challenge. so obviously there is more good than bad. i guess the trick is to find happiness in nothing... in getting free Monster on the way to class, or in a funny text, or looking forward to gossip girl at 8 pm. gossip girl got me through my day today (sadly). for whatever reason, i love the show, and it helped me through my whole day. thinking about getting a deeelicious, warm Mud coffee on the way to class gets me out of bed early in the morning. lunch with my dad and maybe going home for a night on friday will get me through my week. the thought of being with all my best friends thanksgiving break will get me through the next two weeks. whatever it is that makes you happy, find it! make a big deal out of nothing! stop caring what everyone else thinks and be happy. life is way too short and unpredictable to wait until tomorrow to do what makes you happy.

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