Wednesday, November 19, 2008

On another note, I feel like I have completely emerged from the sadness cave. No major changes have occurred in my life, other than my dawgie dying (RIP Tucker :[... ), but I feel great nonetheless. I'm finally no longer living for the future, but instead for the present. I can enjoy every day and find peace in my time alone. 

The cold air is absolutely terrible but the smell of winter and the holiday season make it somewhat bearable. I have an entire different appreciation for hot coffee in the winter time... especially with French Vanilla creamer. I am looking forward to making Thanksgiving dinner and sangria at Pratt on Saturday. I am looking forward to going home on Tuesday and spending (a little) time with my favorite friends. I am not looking forward to the 5 page paper, 500-word spanish composition, and extra credit presentation I need to completely before that. 

Speaking of the cold air, I need boots and a winter jacket. This coat isn't cutting it. 

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