Sunday, December 14, 2008

1. Friday night I stayed at Pratt. Saturday morning I returned to my room at about 1:30 in the afternoon. I walked into my room and found my roommate (suitemate) in my bed with a dude.....WHAT THE FUCK? There are two rooms in my suite. I am alone in my room with a SPARE BED. The other room has 2 girls in it. I suppose she needed to fuck and her roommate was in her room, but what is wrong with his room? Or waiting until another night? Or I don't know... maybe using the SPARE BED that is located literally 24 inches from my bed and it isn't the bed in which I SLEEEP. Not to mention it was 1:30 in the afternoon and if I was the bitch secretly using my suitemate's bed I'd either a. fuck and leave or b. be out by 9 am (at the latest- both of them go to this school and have other beds to escape to in this building). And to top it all off, as I walked in she jumped out of the bed and was like "OH is it okay that we used your bed???"... as if there's anything she can do about it now. I wish I wasn't living with a fucking 16 year old.

2. I've been alone doing a lot of nothing for like 24 hours now. I wrote most of my paper thats due tomorrow and it's pretty decent. I went to Union Square and walked around the holiday fair and got coffee and wasted all my singles in my wallet on useless crap like "salty pretzel and dark chocolate cookies" and a bracelet. I'm bored as hell but feeling pretty peaceful so that's good.

3. I usually keep my iTunes on shuffle and before this RANDOM video that I didn't even know I had of John Mayer making the song In Repair came on. I watched it considering I had nothing better to do, and it was really cool. The song is about the beauty/"sad hope" as he calls it in being "on the way up" or in repair which is so appropriate for my life right now. It was nice.

4. I am so excited for winter break.

5. The omelette guy keeps putting these soggy, wet peppers in my omelettes and it makes them all water and its gross and I wish he would stop being such a lazy dick !

6. I'm considering going to Central Park right now. I'll probably be too lazy to get up and go but I hope I do. 

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