Thursday, December 4, 2008

I think that people, in general, tend live for one of a few different things. Some people live for their career and spend their lives working towards success. Others live for money and get shitty jobs but end up as millionaires. Others can't wait to get married and raise a family and maintain a household. Others live a life in service of others. And then there are people who live to find love. I'm not saying that people can't have more than one of these things, but I truly believe that people naturally rank one of these above all the others. I don't know what the hell in my life shaped me into a person who lives for love, but something did. I think that jobs and success and families and helping people are all fantastic, but I think the purest thing on this planet is one's relationship with someone else. There can be friendships and relationships and love without technology and materialism and cities and schools, and I think that's why I value it so much; it's not man-made. 

I have goals for my future and a strong drive to achieve them, but I know that no matter how successful I am in my work, I will not feel entirely successful without people to share it with. 

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