Thursday, December 25, 2008

i got home on the 19th and have basically been at work from 10 AM on the 20th until last night. i worked 46 hours for this woman in fucking 4 days, and she had the balls to tell me (at 4 on christmas eve when i had been there since 7 am and every single other person was leaving) that i was "stuck" there until 6 because nobody else was staying. meanwhile, her daughter was staying until 6 as well, and their family is jewish, so if she had any heart at all she'd realize that it's my fucking christmas eve and let me go. so i called my mom almost crying and my mom got really mad and i eventually asked my boss if i could leave at 5, and she said yeah but of course with this attitude that insinuated that i was inconveniencing her. then at 5, after busting my fucking ass for her for 9, almost 10 hours that day, i went in the cooler to get my arrangement that i had made. almost half of the people there took something home that day and not one person paid for it. lindsay gave her stuff to her sister to take home, sean left with this HUGE arrangement with so much chocolate and didn't pay a dollar, will left with an arrangement with lots of chocolate and didn't pay a dollar, and when i asked her what she wanted for it she told me 56 dollars. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME. IT WAS FUCKING CHRISTMAS. I WoRKED 46 HOURS FOR HER IN THE LAST 4 DAYS AND BUSTED MY FUCKING ASS BECAUSE IT WAS CHAOS IN THAT PLACE. i will say thats like a 40% discount but EITHER WAY that is SO FUCKED UP. the day before thanksgiving lindsay took home the exact same arrangement that i had made and ilene gave it to her for free. i really have never been so offended in my life. theN the only money i had on me was 25$ and a 10 that this really nice guy gave to me and told me i did "a great job." (i tried to give it back but he refused) and i had to give her all of it and told her i'd owe her the rest, and she said OKAY... NOT EVEN DONT WORRY ABOUT IT. anyways, i got in the car and started like hysterically crying to my mom and my mom was going to get out of the car and freak out and i stopped her. then 5 seconds later she busted into edible arrangements and fucking like bitched out my boss. i am 19 years old. i do NOT need my mother getting in the middle of my shit. but i guess it was good that someone told ilene that shes a fucking bitch and its illegal to have people working 12 hour shifts without a break. i really find it hard to truly hate people, but i fucking hate ilene. she is a selfish, stupid, bitchy, condescending cunt, and i hope her store sinks and she has to live on the streets for the rest of her short, fat fucking life. 

basically i'm calling her later and telling her sorry for whatever my mother said to her, but i will not be coming back to work. (i'm scheduled to work tomorrow so she can have the day off so i hope she has fun peeling her fat ass out of bed to go into work) i'll get my $350 paycheck next thursday and it will be so awkward but i will never have to see her again after that. i will miss the people that i work with  though. 

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