Thursday, January 1, 2009

basically, '08 was a pretty hard year for me. i transferred schools after becoming really comfortable with great friends at a school that is (unfortunately) totally not for me, i started a relationship that meant more to me than i ever expected and went through more ups and downs with it in one year than i ever though was possible, and i watched my family grow from a scattered mess into a real, close family. in the midst of all the shit that all of these changes entailed, i lost sight of all the good things in my life. i got very lazy with a lot of my friendships and my interests & i stopped believing in myself and started looking way too far into things. my new years resolution is to let go and stop trying to control the outcome of everything. i know that what is meant to be will find a way, and i want to be carefree and happy and enjoying myself despite any set backs that i may encounter. shit is going to happen, but happiness is a choice, and i am really done making excuses as to why i can't make the right choice. 

2008 really was a year of changes and reconstruction for me. i know it'll take at least most of this year for me to complete all of these changes that i've started, but i'm so excited (& scared) to see where i end up after it all. 

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