Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Friday night Joey had a 70s party at his house.
Saturday night was the worst night... attempted to go out to dinner with my family and that exploded into WWIII... in public.
Sunday chilled at Joeys with everyone.
Monday played beer pong at Joeys.
Tuesday went on a date with Malora and ordered lots of Empire at Joey's then sat around with Mal & Dan. 

haha I guess that's what happens when someone's parents go away. 
I have been sleeping so much and chillin' all day. I feel lazy but it's definitely helping me get my shit back together. I'm getting a roommate when I get back to school. I have really high hopes for it helping this semester be better than last semester (socially and academically). 

I feel myself being pieced back together a little at a time. It's just strange because the pieces never go back together how they were before. You grow, you know? You change... and you have to learn how to keep it together while all the new pieces fall into place. Unfortunately, I think the only way to learn how to do that is to fall apart a few times. 

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