Wednesday, January 21, 2009


~I'm back at school and 3/4 of my teachers are awesome... like really cool people. The fourth is a little cold but I have already started to figure out how I can slack in the class and still do well. I still have no friends, and it's impossible for me to work hard and do well unless I'm with people I love and have a nice balance between work and play :(
~I've already emailed a few people about jobs because I really need to be making money. I can't wait to have an income so I don't have to stress about money constantly.
~I miss my friends at Villanova but I do not miss the school.
~I have a roommate and it's almost like nothing is even different. She sits at her computer all day with her headphones. I wish she'd like... interact with me, but even when I try to be nice and talk she's just not interested. Nyla also said she saw her crying on the phone before and I walked in as one of her friends was obviously trying to cheer her up... I don't get it. I think I'm applying for a room change into a sophomore (appropriate) building... that'd be sweet.
~I will admit that I was having doubts, but things are better than they have ever been. Things are so good. I'm really happy.
~I'm tired all the time. I need to go to the doctor. 

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