Monday, March 9, 2009

so i watched twilight last night and for anyone who knows me at all i would obviously love that movie.... except i don't know if i loved it or not. i mean i didn't read the book so i didn't know what to expect but i just felt like it skipped a lot of important details and was kind of rushed... which sucks because they don't even struggle to be together at all except for like 10 minutes of the movie in which they have a series of overly dramatic conversations until she discovers hes a vamp... then all the sudden theyre in love. it's cool though because the girl in it looks like she could be any girl that we go to school with... she's not this like super hot supermodel shes a normal pretty girl... who looks like she doesn't eat... but that's besides the point. the dude is obviously so hot but i feel like he isn't that great of an actor... i can't really tell if hes supposed to seem awkward because hes like technically 100 years old and the aged, wise type or if he just can't act. idk. sometimes everything was just too intense and over done.... :( i still am drawn to the idea and the story and it makes my heart melt haha im just sad because the movie didn't meet my expectations :( :( so i guess i'll read the book (which i will probably like more) and see all the other movies in hopes that they will be betterrererererer

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