Monday, March 2, 2009

today i woke up at 8 and found that that nyu was like one of like three schools in the northeast with school today so i went to ci with lj and met a guy from montauk who owned a restaurant she always goes to and got on the train that was almost 40 minutes late. we got coffee in penn then ran to my room only to realize that my computer charger that costs 80$ to replace is broken yet again. by the time i fucked around with it long enough to be thoroughly frustrated i had to get ready so fast and run to class (unlike everyone else) where the projecter was broken and the special lecture that my ta was giving barely even happened so its a good thing they squeezed it in during today's winter storm. i went to some more classes and to conclude the day my teacher brought in a human brain and let us handle it if we wanted. i didn't. but i think only because i didn't want to wait on line.

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